book sells for $12.99 elsewhere on this
site. So why am I offering a special edition of this book that includes
a majority of all the chapters of the full version for FREE? Because
I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to get this vitally important
message out to as many Christians as I can while there is time left,
I am making it available for anyone to download absolutely FREE!
Just fill in your name, email address and the State in which you
reside in the form below. I will only use information given to me
to periodically send you my e-letter, “Lines
From Daniel’s Den,” which will share news about
the ministry, new book releases or updates, reviews of other important
prophetic books, important prophetic happenings and insights the
Lord gives me from the Word of God. At this moment I am not sure
how often it will be sent to those that register. I have asked for
the state you reside in, because in the future if I am ministering
at a church in your area, I will send out a special email to inform
you of the concert or speaking engagement information so that you
have the opportunity to join us. If the Lord tarries, and the doors
open to travel in the future, I would love to meet some of you in
person. |
Agee, author of several important prophetic books, including “End
of the Age,” “Revelation 2000”
and “Heaven Found,” has this to say about
the Be The Bride
series of books . . .
is so important now to fully understand how to be the Bride
of Christ. I am delighted by Daniel Rydstedt's "Be The
Bride" books. I think of them as required reading. |