Me Get
Message Out
I am
hoping that many of you that have taken the time to read the FREE
special edition of Be The Bride! Vol. 3 will
realize how critical this message is to so many in the body of Christ
and will be nudged by the Holy Spirit to help me get this ebook
out to millions of believers in the sliver of time we have left
before Jesus comes for His Bride. There are many ways that you can
help . . .
you can refer your family and friends to the rapturebride.com
site to download their free Be
The Bride ebook. A heart felt recommendation
of this book to a Christian in your sphere of influence can make
all the difference in the world in their lives . . . and their eternal
destiny in the millennial kingdom. The most powerful way that this
message is going to get out to multitudes of believers is through
word of mouth recommendation, If you just take the time to email
or call two or three Christian friends or relatives . . . and they
do the same . . . and that is repeated by multiple generations,
this message can easily reach millions of believers in the upcoming
can even help me warn Christians that are not in your sphere of
influence by downloading a special tract and giving it out where
ever you go.

specifically designed this tract to give away to believers
although there is a reference in it to a link to text from
my God Is Calling You
booklet that would help an unbeliever become
born again as well. Right click (and select "save link
as . . .) the following two links to download two separate
pdf files to a folder in your computer.
of the pdf files is the front of the tract and the other is
the back. Once you download them, you will need to print side
one from the file, WeddingTractOutside.pdf
and then turn the paper over and print the other side of that
page from the file, WeddingTractInside.pdf.
Since there will be 2 tracts on every page that you print,
you will need to cut the page in half (where the registration
marks are).
out a few pages, cut them in half, fold the tracts . . . and
then keep them with you, ready to hand one out to a Christian
that you might meet. The "Be The Bride"
message is summarized in this tract. In addition a link that
will show the reader how to get to the site to download their
own Free book will be included so that they can more
fully absorb the implications of this message.
way that you can help me spread the word to Christians that you
might not even be acquainted with, is to recommend our website (http://rapturebride.com
or the mirror site, http://rapturebride.info)
with the free book when you are posting on your favorite Christian
forum or bulletin board. When someone reads your recommendation
of a prophetic ebook and finds out it is free to download, most
will check it out. Some of you could take the time to seek out some
Christian prophecy forums and post a short paragraph on it letting
people know about the free book. Others of you might be led of the
Lord to put a short signature to either your posts on these forums
or your outgoing emails that simply says,
Important Prophetic Ebook FREE . . . http://rapturebride.com."
me if you don't know how to set this up and I will try to help you.)
Also, If you happen to have your own site consider putting a link
to http://rapturebride.com
on the links page or somewhere else on your site.
eternity will reveal the believers that you helped influence to
become passionate about their relationship with Jesus, and as a
consequence end up being a part of the Bride group. I know I would
appreciate your help, but more importantly, the Lord Jesus will
appreciate it! He longs for more of His people to be head over heels
in love with Him, walking in intimacy with Him moment by moment
throughout the day.
Ways That You Can Help
is going to take considerable finances to fulfill the mandate to
get this message out to a wide spread audience of believers. I know
the Lord will supply the needs. If after reading this ebook, you
want to be a channel of His provision to support us in our mission,
I encourage you to purchase the full version of this ebook, Be
The Bride Vol. 3 as well as the other two ebooks
in the Be The Bride series. I purposely left most of the
chapters in this FREE special edition of Vol.
3 so that the message would be fully, and effectively
communicated. However, if you purchase the full version, there will
be quite a bit of additional teaching to amplify and reinforce the
core message of the book. In addition in the full version there
will be a Color Coded Prophetic Time line Chart that is correlated
with a corresponding commentary. But most importantly, your purchase
will be helping this ministry impact the lives of a multitude of
believers in the upcoming months. More information about the other
two ebooks in the Be The Bride series along with other
books I have written are on the Other
Books By Daniel Rydstedt page.
me also briefly mention that you can also support this ministry
by shopping at a site we set up offering new and used Christian
books, tapes, videos, CD's, DVD's and more. Every month I feature
a sale on a different specific category of books that offers an
additional discount on top of bargain basement prices that are already
discounted between 50% and 90%. You can also qualify to receive
FREE postage paid books with your purchase. And shipping can be
as minimal as only $.49. This site is a work in progress. I will
be adding thousands of books and other items over the next year
as I get the time, so bookmark the site and check it often. Browse
the many categories and sub-categories at christian-used-books-and-more.com
today. Find a bargain and at the same time know you are contributing
to the support of our full time ministry.
(Note that this
site presently under construction and will be online soon.) |
Most Important Support You Can Give
most important way that you can support our outreach is to pray
for us . . . and for those that download this ebook. Pray that the
Lord will open the eyes of every believer that reads this free book
that they may make it a priority to press in to KNOW Jesus and obey
Him like never before. Pray that the Lord will get this book to
millions of Christians before Jesus comes for His Bride. Ask the
Lord who He would have you email or call to encourage to read this
the Holy Spirit softens the hearts of so many that have gotten caught
up in the pressures of life and the pursuit of pleasure that the
world pushes, they will dismiss this book as just another interesting
Christian book. This book is not one that should be skimmed over
and filed away, but it is a book with a message that must be heeded
and acted upon while there is still time. Your intercessory prayer
will pave the way in the Spirit realm for readers to understand
not just with their heads . . . but with their hearts. |
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