- My FREE Prophecy Book is no longer available
at rapturebride.com. Please help me spread the Word that
the new site is rapturebride.info.
Encourage every Christian you know to come here to download the
book. Bear with me when you see pages under construction, as I have
had to build the site all over from scratch. Thank you ahead of
time for your patience. Because of the lateness of the hour, I intend
to make this site even better and include a blog to encourage all
believers that visit.

Bride of Christ will be raptured in the not too distant future.
Will all born again believers be taken as the Left Behind books
portray? Or will the soon to be raptured Bride be comprised of a
relatively small group of Christians who are obedient, faithful
and totally in love with their groom, Jesus? The shocking truth
is scripturally documented in this amazing book . . .
of the importance of this end time message a special online edition
of this book is available for all to download free. One of the major
focuses of this book and our ministry is to give a wake up call
to the Body of Christ, exhorting them to Be The Bride. This amazing
book has changed thousands of lives. Time is of the essence. Read
it today! To register to get your copy click HERE.
help us get this vitally important message to more Christians while
there is time, by downloading the "Wedding Invitation"
tract, printing it and handing out to every believer you meet.
more about Daniel . . . his ministry, his background,
his mission, his music and most importantly, his message . .
. and how your church can schedule a concert or seminar. For
more information click HERE. |

site is a work in progress. Items will be added on a weekly basis
so bookmark . . .
. . and check back frequently. There are thousands of items that
will gradually be added over the upcoming months. The bookstore
is organized with books listed in many appropriate categories and
subcategories to make browsing easy and fun. There will be a sale
on all items in a different particular category of books every month.
In addition, you can qualify to receive free books with your purchase.
you shop at this site you are helping us get the Be The Bride message
out to more believers throughout the world.
I know
that there are many believers that are struggling with their finances.
I put together something that could be a great blessing to many
who are in that position. I call it my Money Machine Team.
When I put this together I wanted to find two or three programs
that could generate several streams of residual income that could
be created by spending as little as an hour or two working from
your home computer. I wanted to include businesses that were solid
and required no sales ability, no risk and a very small investment
(only $10 for each of the two engines). What I found was so exciting
that I put together a Money Machine that is amazing. I wrote a 67
page book that puts forth a vision, that if you see it, will keep
you up at night.
I want
you to have a FREE copy of an ebook that I have written entitled,
How To Create A Money Machine
That Pumps Out Cash Even While You Sleep For The Rest Of Your Life!
If you catch this awesome vision put forth in my book, I
want you to join the Money Machine Team. I will give you every tool
you need to be successful. You will receive absolutely FREE,
a copy of my book customized with your affiliate links that you
can give out to build your business . . . personalized
bi-fold business cards, . . . personalized posters,
. . . a website that is identical to mine customized to give
away your ebook, . . . a customized banner, . . .
video training from 2 free marketing systems, . . . as
well as my help or advice and much more! You have nothing to lose
and thousands of dollars coming in every month for the rest of your
life . . . to gain. To download my book absolutely FREE and be reading
it in the next few minutes either click on the banner above or click